Graduation Day!

Grades Kindergarten- 6:

Introduction: During times like these, it is hard to remember what you have worked so hard for. I believe that completing every grade this year deserves a celebration. After reading Happy Graduation, you learned how the first graders were celebrating. Today, everyone is celebrating! I hope completing this activity you feel accomplished for everything you have done and are proud!

Task: For this activity, you are going to celebrate your accomplishment of finishing the year. You may be graduating, or just going into the next grade, but you deserve to be celebrated. If your family is not around, please use a sibling for this activity, or do it by yourself too! Remember to use your creativity and have fun because this is YOUR day.

Items list:
·        Picture of yourself
·        Extra printer paper
·        A marker
·        Scissors
·        Tape

Step-by-step instructions:
·        Click on the video listed under ‘Video:’ to start playing the book. This book is being read to your student.
·        Now begin to set up your student’s project. Below are the instructions with pictures also.
·        First, you will want to print out your picture.
·        Next, I used the extra space to measure my head for the cap, created a “block” for the top of the cap, and then made tassels. I colored them in purple because that is my favorite color. You are free to do any color you please. You can make as many tassels as you please. I made three since I only have 2 other siblings.

·        I then cut out each of the items we made above. 

·        You will then want to tape your cap on your picture.

Next, you will tape your picture up on a wall or any flat surface. Cover your eyes with whatever you are comfortable with. You will put tape on the top of your tassel and try to pin it on the cap! Have fun with this and remember, you can always take them off and try again! 
