It is always fun to create your own little world in a small
confined space! The freedom of the project is absolutely endless, so why not
create a little underwater beach theme? You can create about any scene you want
within your jar or bottle whatever you choose to do. Children and adults of all
ages are able to do this and is a fun way to show creativity and individuality!
You can make it as simple or complex as you want depending on the time you want
to spend on the project. I choose a more simple approach and theme to go along
with my room in my house so I can display It as a decoration. Not to mention
that summer is almost here and who does not want to be on a beach somewhere?
Step 1: gather materials needed: Jar (of any kind and any
size), sand or rocks (depending on the underwater theme you are wanting to do),
and mix ins (TREASURE).
I used sequence mix ins since that was what I
had around my house, you can use mini plastic toys or whatever you may choose.
Step 2: Fill jar with sand or rocks about half 1/3-1/2 way
Step 3: add your treasure to the sand/rock and swirl around
so it is mixed into the sand or rocks.
Step 5: shake the bottle so everything mixes and wait for
everything to settle.
Step 6: Display as a decoration or become addicted to the
shaking and settling processes like me!
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